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Annual Club BBQ

Posted on Sun Jun 25, 2017

We are going to do the same thing for our BBQ this year as we did last year, which is have it on Canada Day.  All club members and their families are invited.  The club will provide the food for the BBQ.  RSVP to Rob McDonald to let him know if you are coming or not so we can make sure there is enough.  The day will include some games, swimming and fireworks at the end of the night.  The location is 863 Gainsborough Place and the start time is 3pm.  You bring your drinks and maybe a chair.  We’ll be eating at around 5ish and there will be fireworks at dusk, which will be a bit after 9.  We’ll be asking for $10 per family for those interested in the fireworks to cover the cost.  Hope you can make it for some or all of the day.  It’s always a great time.
